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May 3, 2015
Category: General
Posted by: fabrella

Kangoo Power Training in Weilburg:

ab sofort regelmäßig, außer in den Schulferien:

MITTWOCHS 18.30-19.30 Uhr, Turnhalle des TVW, Adolfstr. 2, 35781 Weilburg

Ich bitte um Anmeldung mit Angabe von Schuhgröße und Gewicht, da nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Leihschuhen zur Verfügung steht...
Early bird catches the boots :-)

Gebühr für Leihschuhe: 5€/Stunde
Schnupperstunden: 5€ Kangoo Power Stunde (indoor)


1-2 Paar dicke Socken
Frauen: guter Sport-BH

Damit es pünktlich losgehen kann, bitte ca. 5-10 Minuten eher da sein

Mar 22, 2015
Category: General
Posted by: fabrella

Seit Mittwoch, 04.03.2015, bin ich Kangoo Power Instructor Silver.

Die Ausbildung in Nürnberg dauerte 4 Tage und hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht.

Ich freue mich darauf, bald Kangoo Power Kurse zu geben.

CMS - 1.11.13 - Baquerizo Moreno

Higher End

These are more complex then some of the other templates, especially the menus, they all 3 use the same menu template. Which shows you the power of CSS.

Be forewarned, if you use IE6 you won't see the best effects in any of the shadow menus that you see using a more standards compliant browser. I mean it's still nice grant you but... just upgrade your browser if you can.

The Differences

Starting with NCleanBlue you get a really nice, subtle Tabbed menu, then it goes on to have a real nice drop down effect.

You get a real nice 2.0 header and footer, great color scheme and the search is way cool, it's just a great theme, what can I say, thanks Nuno.

Then the next 2 submenus have another version of the shadowed drop, the first step will point up for the top sub menu and to the right for the left sub menus.

These 2 are the same layout as CSSMenu top + 2 columns and CSSMenu left + 1 column, respectively, except for the menu template and some CSS.

We hope you enjoy these, for any changes you want to make it's always best to copy the original style sheet for safe keeping, you never know when you may need it.

Previous page: Minimal template  Next page: NCleanBlue